15 February 2014

Roger Ver on Blockchain’s Past, Present and Future

Last week, I sat down with Roger Ver for an exclusive, hour-long interview where we discussed his company Blockchain, his team, and his vision for the bitcoin industry.

We first connected after Ver came across a blog post of mine in which I dismissed Blockchain as “too understaffed and undercapitalized” to compete with the likes of Coinbase and Circle, long-term.

The man, who many have started to refer to as “Bitcoin Jesus”, emailed me with some objections and let me know that Blockchain had tripled the size of its team in just over a month while continuing to lead the industry in web traffic, wallet users and bitcoins stored. “By just about any metric, we are the #1 Bitcoin website in the world,” he wrote.

Continue reading at CoinDesk

February 15, 2014 at 08:50AM