10 July 2014

CoinSummit London conference to feature two PeerNova executives as speakers

PeerNova announces speaking engagements for CEO, Naveed Sherwani and President, Emmanuel Abiodun at the invite-only Bitcoin conference: CoinSummit London

San Jose, CA (PRWEB) July 10, 2014

PeerNova is pleased to announce that their CEO, Naveed Sherwani and President, Emmanuel Abiodun have been invited to speak at the invite-only Bitcoin conference CoinSummit London to be held on July 10th and 11th. CoinSummit London connects entrepreneurs in the Bitcoin ecosystem, angel and VC investors, hedge fund professionals and others who are looking to learn and network in the virtual currency industry.

Dr. Naveed Sherwani, CEO of PeerNova, is scheduled to discuss “the ever changing landscape of Bitcoin mining” on a panel the afternoon of the 11th. He was also a featured speaker at CoinSummit, San Francisco held in March this year. In anticipation of speaking at the conference Dr. Sherwani said, “CoinSummit’s previous conference in San Francisco was one of the best Bitcoin related conferences I’ve attended, so I am very happy to be invited to speak again in London. The organizers Pamir and Gulnar do a fantastic job of getting top tier VCs, entrepreneurs and media representatives to attend the conference, leading to highly productive interactions. As PeerNova, our story has evolved beyond Bitcoin mining into infrastructure and peer to peer application platforms, something that will be of great interest to investors as we look to raise a round of funding.”

Also speaking at CoinSummit London will be PeerNova’s President and Chief Commercial Officer, Emmanuel Abiodun. He will be part of the panel “Will Bitcoin last the distance beyond the 51% challenge?” on 11th morning. Abiodun co-founded CloudHashing and is currently leading the efforts around sales and business development at PeerNova. CloudHashing has enabled over 7000 customers to participate in mining by making the process very easy. Discussing the upcoming event, Mr. Abiodun said, “I look forward to returning to London for the CoinSummit conference. The panel topic addresses a serious concern that the media and supporters of bitcoin have about the security of bitcoin transactions and the integrity of the block chain. Additionally, if the San Francisco event was any indication, the London event will also provide a rare opportunity to discuss PeerNova’s offerings with many potential customers, investors and journalists.”

About PeerNova

PeerNova is the leader in distributed financial applications and transaction processing technology. In addition to offering advanced bitcoin mining hardware and cloud services, PeerNova is leading the innovation in peer to peer applications and secure platforms for the digital currency and e-commerce markets.

Media Contacts:

Christina Gorlick

Public Relations

Email: info (at) peernova dot com

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For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://ift.tt/1w4OnFi

July 10, 2014 at 06:28AM

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