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DOGE: DSYwWb71hmvnhp18wDVzvQepVkNazSfKAk
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LTC: LfeDFoC4c6YyEsXw6pXZ7R6ADHqRxfgy7L
DOGE: DSYwWb71hmvnhp18wDVzvQepVkNazSfKAk
Ryan Taylor, a native of northern California, is a twenty first century renaissance man who firmly believes in making the world a better place through art and technology and making the web a better place through collaboration and transparency. An accomplished photographer, graphic designer, web designer and developer, Ryan’s skills portfolio also includes videography, post-production, and both live stream video and DVD production. While Ryan has been with the magazine since its inception as a regular content contributor, he has also assisted in the capacity of designer and developer.